Incision and drainage
This procedure is typically used in the immediate therapy of abcesses. Abcesses start as a superficial folliculitis, which subsequently spreads within the tissue and clinically shows extensive, erythematous, tender, fluctuating tumors.
While abcesses in the face should not be incised (risk of ascension of bacteria and thrombosis of sinus veins), any other location is suitable for this method and allows for immediate pain relief upon incision and drainage.
After a quick cryoanaesthesia, incision is performed with an 11-blade right on the abcess. Pus usually drains instanly (take a bacterial smear for later microbiological exmination) and may be expressed gently.
Drainage/Rinsing with NaCl 0,9 % or H2O2 is also possible. Finally, iodine soaked gauze should be placed into the abscess cavity (Iodoform®-Tamponade) to assure complete drainage of the remaining pus. It is advisable to also administer a systemic antibiotic treatment with penicillinase-resistent antibiotics, such as cephalosporines.